Sunday, 27 February 2011

Ceramic Art London 2011

I have arrived back from being a helper at ceramic art london which is held in the Royal College of Art. The exhibit was full of ceramicists from all over the world, so I went with a friend to help set up the show and speak to the makers themselves, and hopefully gather some inspiration and tips. Here are a select few photos of artists there.. 
Ikuko Iwamoto

Stephanie Quayle

Ji-Hyun Chung

Lowri Davies

Louisa Taylor

Kaori Tatebayashi

Kate Mcbride

Namiko Murakoshi

Monday, 21 February 2011

knob making..

Above is a serving dish I have made whilst I was toying with ideas, it's a mixture of slipcast porcelain handles and slabrolled porcelain, may have misjudged the size as it will shrink majorly in glaze firing, but hopefully this idea will develop..
Telephone plaster mould..

one of my door-knobby mugs, they are currently the bane of my life as they keep snapping off!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Bon journo!

Slipcasting in process, this mould will end up being the vessel for one of my mugs..